There are three levels of editing: proofreading (light review), technical review (making sure everything makes sense), and comprehensive (proofreading + technical review + extensive feedback).
I offer comprehensive editing for books/novels submitted in Word or Google Doc formatted in standard book format (1″ margins, double spaced, 12 pt Courier or Times New Roman font) at $3.20/page for new clients.
When a work isn’t in standard format, it’s generally $4.00 for every 250 words for new clients.
Pricing for proofreading and technical reviews for projects such as: workbooks, cookbooks, slides (such as PowerPoint presentations), letters, emails, banners, marketing content, and other projects with special formatting are on a case-by-case basis.
Turnaround time:
Novel-length projects turned around within 30 days.
I generally read all projects through 3 times — the first as your intended reader (and make notes of anything that jumps out); the second with the deep editorial focus; and the third to make sure I caught everything.
I prefer using Word with Track Changes. I use the Comment feature for suggested rewrites, and depending on length of project, I either send additional write-up in email or in a separate document broken out by chapter. I do not rewrite content and it is up to the author to accept/reject edits made in the manuscript.
All deliverable deadlines are agreed to before the editing begins.
50% deposit required before work starts; final payment due when project (and associated write-up) is ready to be returned to client. (Rush projects have a surcharge.)
If you have a project you’d like a professional review of, contact me with the details and turnaround time needed.
“Lisa is a detail-oriented editor who helped me polish my writing in the short term and helped me become a better writer in the long term. She has a clear and direct manner and she always delivers what she says she will and when she says she will.”
Diane MacKinnon, M.D.
Master Certified Life Coach
Editing provided for:
- Novels
- Non-fiction books
- Technical manuals
- Marketing material
- Website content
- Blog articles
- E-mail campaigns
- Newsletters
Editing Samples:
- (biography) William E. Dimorier: Servant Leader by Ann Silverthorn
- (non-fiction) Dropping the F-Bomb: Proven Strategies to be Fearless, Forward, and Fulfilled by Dr. Michelle McGrath
- (business) The Email Cemetery: Where Bad Sales Emails Go to Die… and How to Resuscitate Yours by Charlene DeCesare
- (fiction) *Murder on the Naval Base by Behcet ‘Ben’ Kaya
- (non-fiction) *The Podium, the Pulpit, and the Republicans: How Presidential Candidates Use Religious Language in American Political Debate by Frederick Stecker
- (memoir) *Organ of Pain: One Man’s Ordeal with Life, Erectile Dysfunction, and Other Ailments by Brad Ryder

From author Behcet ‘Ben’ Kaya:
“My first encounter with Lisa came about when she wrote a review for my debut novel, VOICE OF CONSCIENCE. I had received several reviews which had been 4 and 5 stars and was, to say the least, taken aback with her 3 stars. I egotistically thought to myself, ‘how dare she.’ Then, Lisa wrote to me suggesting that my book was in need of good editing. I took her up on the offer and was very glad that I did. I was impressed with the work she did.
After republishing my novel, I was truly amazed at the reviews and comments I received. I will say this – I will never publish a book again without Lisa’s editing it. True to my word, she has now edited all four of my novels.My second novel, MURDER ON THE NAVAL BASE, has been optioned for a movie. My third novel, ROAD TO SIRAN, ERIN’S STORY, is the sequel to VOICE OF CONSCIENCE. And my fourth novel, TREACHEROUS ESTATE, went on sale July 22, 2018.
Lisa is a superb editor and I will add, teacher, as well. She praises in public, but is not afraid to offer hard hitting and constructive criticism in private. She is superb in detail and in finding contradictions. For example, in my latest novel, I had initially written, “Mister, can you help me?” Lisa suggested, “Can you help me, Mr. Ludef…” A small change, but a big difference in making an impact in the first chapter from sounding like a random encounter between two people, to an intentional encounter.
As writers, we know what the characters are thinking and we assume the reader also knows, when, in fact, they don’t. As far as contradictions, she can zero in on a discrepancy even if it is separated by several chapters. Lisa edits novels as if she is looking through a microscope and can find things that the writer just can’t see, or, in many instances, is just too close to the writing to be able to see.
Lisa is also good on her word as to how long it will take to edit a book. Generally, mine have taken a month or less and I have never been disappointed in her corrections, suggestions, and recommendations for changes. She is my “Chadish,” Klingonese for my editor, my teacher, my mentor.”